Category: Updates

  • 2019 Retrospective

    2019 Retrospective

    This is it, the last retrospective of the decade. I set two ambitious goals to kick off the 20s and planned on using 2019 to prepare myself. Let’s take a look at what I managed to accomplish. Objectives Overview Objective 1: Work at a top product company in 2020 Key Results Make a list of…

  • 2019 Personal OKRs

    2019 Personal OKRs

    Last year I made an effort to introduce more structure into my goal setting approach. This structured approach helped me to pick more meaningful goals and made it easier to track my progress, resulting in another successful year of personal growth.  Based on this positive experience, I wanted to make the product planning at work…

  • 2018 Retrospective

    2018 Retrospective

    At the beginning of 2018, I took a look back at 2017 to reflect on what I had accomplished and where I still had room for improvement. As it turned out, 2017 was a pretty good year. In an attempt to improve on the successes of 2017, I took an even more structured approach to…