2022 Goals
Career & Finance
Financial freedom by age 35
- Have a net worth of €500K by age 35
- Be earning €500MRR from a side-business by the end of the year
Personal Development & Learning
Achieve a healthy work-life (leisure) balance
- Have at least an hour of leisure activity 5 days per week
- Socialise at least 3 days per week
- Leave the house for a walk every day
Improve my self-mastery & equanimity
- Track and reduce my habit of negativity (focusing on problems instead of solutions / starting with ‘no’ instead of ‘yes’)
- Track and reduce my habit of arguing/suggesting actions instead of asking questions and listening
- Track and reduce my habit of getting frustrated
- Track and reduce my habit of criticism
- Journal 5 days per week
- Practice gratitude 5 days per week
Keep learning
- Read at least 10 books
- Process any book I read into my Book of Life
Go on adventures, try new things & explore new places
- Cross 3 places off of my bucket list
- Cross 3 activities off of my bucket list
- Go on an epic long-distance hike
- Work remotely from an exotic location for 1 month
Health & Fitness
Master my own body
- Attain and maintain the ability to place my palms on the floor every month
Be altruistic with my time
- Take part in 2 events that help society (people in need)
- Take part in 2 events that help the environment
Meaningful Relationships
Nurture meaningful relationships
- Keep the habits of date night + relationship retro
- Call two friends every month
- Visit Malta
- Visit my dad in Germany
- See my friends from Berlin
- Grow my circle of close friends in Barcelona by 2 people
Feel at home in Spain
- B2 in Spanish
- Visit another region in Spain