Author: matthias

  • Floating Elements with Flexbox

    Floating Elements with Flexbox

    The CSS float property allows you to tell an element where to align itself, in respect to the content around it. Using floats used to be the only way of developing responsive web pages. In fact, floats are still used by most major “grid” systems like Twitter’s hugely popular Bootstrap framework. The problem with floats is that they weren’t…

  • What I Learned About Product Management From Steve Jobs

    What I Learned About Product Management From Steve Jobs

    Wow. I just finished reading Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs and am utterly blown away. Steve Jobs founded Apple, made it great, got kicked out, came back and made it the best. He helped turn Pixar into the animation powerhouse it is today. He revolutionized the music industry and he pretty much launched the smart…

  • The Easiest Way To Mock Dependencies In AngularJS Unit Tests

    The Easiest Way To Mock Dependencies In AngularJS Unit Tests

    At my day job, we’ve recently embarked on a project to improve our test coverage for our AngularJS based mobile site, which currently sits at a measly 40%. So I’ve been writing lots of unit tests lately and keep trying to find ways to make this tedious process a little bit easier and more enjoyable.…