Author: matthias

  • 2017: Year in Review

    2017: Year in Review

    Another year, another year in review blog post.   Being a believer of the maxim “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”, at the beginning of the year I set a number of goals which I hoped to achieve throughout 2017. This was the first year in which I sat down, thought about…

  • Why We Need SCRUM At Our Startup

    Why We Need SCRUM At Our Startup

    I recently joined a startup after years of working in much larger and longer-established organisations. The first thing I noticed when comparing my new workplace to my previous jobs was the distinct lack of structure in almost every aspect of the daily goings-on. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised by this, startups are known…

  • 2016: Year in Review

    2016: Year in Review

    2016, what a year huh! Celebs kicking the bucket every other day, Brexit, Trump, the terror attacks in Europe and the whole situation in the Middle-East – these scenarios among many others make you wonder whether the world is moving forwards or backwards. My 2016 was FIRE. Here’s a quick recap of what I’ve accomplished, what’s…