Author: matthias

  • 2018 Retrospective

    2018 Retrospective

    At the beginning of 2018, I took a look back at 2017 to reflect on what I had accomplished and where I still had room for improvement. As it turned out, 2017 was a pretty good year. In an attempt to improve on the successes of 2017, I took an even more structured approach to…

  • Learnings From MTP London 2018

    Learnings From MTP London 2018

    I recently had the pleasure of once again attending a Mind The Product conference. For the uninitiated, Mind The Product is a product management community which, among other things, hosts the largest product focused conference in the world. I’ve previously attended MTP Engage in Hamburg, but with roughly 1700 attendees, MTP London is definitely on…

  • My Goals for 2018

    My Goals for 2018

    2017 was the first year in which I took the time to think about what I wanted to achieve in the next 365 days and planned out a couple of goals that would determine whether I had succeeded or failed. You can read about my self-assessment in this previous blog post, but the tl;dr is…